Discover O-Shot

The Natural way to restore your intimacy

Our certified RN will provide a FREE consultation to see if the O-Shot suits you. We also do the same type of therapy for hair rejuvenation. Book your consultation now to see the best all-natural treatment options. Combine the O-Shot with Femiwave for the ultimate rejuvenation package.

What To Expect

Increased Sensitivity

Stronger Orgasms

Fewer Bathroom Trips

Increased Libido

Increased natural lubrication

How It Works

 The O-Shot,® or Orgasm Shot, is a medical procedure that utilizes the patient’s own blood. The blood is spun in a centrifuge to extract growth factors that stimulate tissue regeneration and rejuvenation. The blood is then carefully injected into specific areas of the vagina to improve sexual response, increase arousal, and promote overall vaginal health. It's that simple. No medication or surgery needed.

Is It Painful?

Before the procedure, a potent topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. Most patients report feeling no or minimal discomfort during the injections, often describing it as a slight pinch or warm sensation.

How Long Does It Take?

 The entire procedure, including the numbing process, typically takes about 30 minutes to complete. It is a quick and convenient in-office treatment that does not require extensive downtime or recovery. You can combine the O-Shot with Red Light therapy, PEMF therapy, or Femiwave at the same visit to save time and money.

The Benefits

The O-Shot® offers several potential benefits for women seeking to enhance their sexual experience and improve vaginal health. These benefits may include increased sexual desire, heightened sensitivity, stronger and more frequent orgasms, improved lubrication, and even relief from certain issues such as urinary incontinence or painful intercourse. By utilizing the body’s natural healing processes, the O-Shot® aims to address various concerns and improve overall sexual well-being. Add Femiwave acoustic shock wave therapy to enhance the results further. We also offer Red Light Therapy to relieve stress and improve overall health.

Cellular Medicine Association Certified Provider

All treatments are performed by a licensed and certified Registered Nurse. At Revitalwave, we stay current on all the latest procedures and undergo training with the doctors who create the protocols. With over 300 procedures performed, we are the leading experts on Long Island. Our results are superior, and we ensure every patient gets the best possible care and follow-up.

Additional Treatments

The exact process used in the O-Shot can be used for several additional treatments. This non-surgical technique uses your own blood to spark a regeneration process that naturally enhances growth factors, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin and attracting stem cells to the treated area.


This procedure provides a youthful appearance. It does not involve surgery or medication. This simple in-office procedure will rejuvenate your skin naturally.


This procedure makes the breast fuller and improves nipple sensitivity. Enhance your appearance without surgery. See long-lasting results after just one treatment.


Regrow thick, vibrant hair without medication. It's painless and fast. As we age, hair growth slows, and we lose thickness. The process sparks a regeneration process that creates healthy, beautiful hair.

Book your FREE consultation with Nurse Teri to learn how Cellular Medicine can benefit you. Like what you see? Get all the treatments you need at discounted rates. We offer huge discounts for multiple treatments. At Revitalwave, we get you looking, feeling, and performing your best.